Audio Engineering
In early 2023 I developed two Max4Live plugins.
One being my own project called ‘Beat Juggler‘, a sampler type of device and another one called ‘HandMod‘, an interactive installation type of device that was codeveloped with two colleagues of mine, for the ‘Hackathon International Synth Design 2023′
In early 2023 I developed two Max4Live plugins.
One being my own project called ‘Beat Juggler‘, a sampler type of device and another one called ‘HandMod‘, an interactive installation type of device that was codeveloped with two colleagues of mine, for the ‘Hackathon International Synth Design 2023′.
In early 2023 I developed two Max4Live plugins.
One being my own project called ‘Beat Juggler‘, a sampler type of device and another one called ‘HandMod‘, an interactive installation type of device that was codeveloped with two colleagues of mine, for the ‘Hackathon International Synth Design 2023′.